Tuesday, July 14, 2009

There's 25 hours in a day up here in my Castle in the Air

A lot of these are Kids/YA books because I'm a kid at heart like that

1) The Neverending Story-THe greatest fantasy novel I have read. It's so much better than the movie(although I do love the movie) which pretty much ends in the middle of the novel. THe hardcover edition is also written in red and green ink, which is pretty awesome.
2)Howl's Castle/Castle in the Air-pretty much companion books to one another. These are intelligent, funny fantasy books disguised as children's lit. They subtly poke fun at fairy tales and the characters are always interesting and unusual.
3)The Wyrd Museum Series-I picked these books up at a bookstore in Boston one time and fell in love. NO ONE has heard of them-though I don't know why. It mixes the mythological "Three Fates" Story with historical fiction, horror, fantasy and a pretty sweet museum. It's like Night at the Museum's dark and sinister, slightly insane, older sister.
4)Wicked- Sigh. Everyone loves the musical, but most can't get through the book. True it's very weird and even I will admit that the plot of the musical is a bit better-but the characters are lively and the story is so much darker. 
5) Twilight-Just kidding.
6) Cirque Du Freak- Ok, it's vampire lit. But for the most part there's no romancing. It's almost entirely plot driven and considered YA lit-but the plot is quite good. I read all 13 of the books and loved them. Now I think that sadly I may be too old/too much of an english major to truly appreciate them again.
7) Abarat- I love love love this series! Right now it's only been two books. It is not only a unique and interesting fantasy/adventure novel about a archipelago of islands that represent each hour of the day situated right outside the town of Chickentown, Minnesota but the author is a talented artist as well. Every chapter has full color paintings of the characters and places in Abarat.

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